Saturday, May 10, 2014

A Little Flash and something up and coming...

Just some flash fiction tonight, I will post more about release week and what happened with the freebie promo soon. In the meantime, Shivers is  HERE, no longer free tho. And PHOENIX RISING is coming soon. In the meantime, a little nighttime tale from awhile back, enjoy ~

I often think that the night is more alive and more richly colored than the day. I didn't always think that, though. As a child I was terrified of the dark, it was only when I got older and put away childish things, that I realized what beauty walks in the night. Darkness holds no fear when you embrace it.

So I wrap myself in the night as if it were a velvet cloak, decadent and warm against my skin. My feet sink into the soft dewy grass, the mist rising slow into the starlight, tendrils tickling the moon that shines a wicked grin down at me and I can't help but wink back. Out of the shadows I hear giggling, the high erie sound of the tiny night fairies like the keening wind. I know I passed the last exit to hell sometime ago and I don't care. The brimstone and the smoke are behind me now and I laugh and serenade the moon with the Doors...

'The time to hesitate is through No time to wallow in the mire Try now we can only lose And our love become a funeral pyre...c'mon baby, light my fire...'

Ahhh, love. Love made me what I am, you know. Love has made more monsters than every curse ever told. Love when pure and strong is a sweet melody, but when weak and tainted is more insidious than poison and more discordant than shrieking demons. Though I was never false, my lover let the worm of unease fill his heart until it ate away all his love and left nothing but a rotted black fester behind. His weakness cost us both our lives, mine in blood and fire and his in prison and madness.

And as I slip thorugh the gates and locks and into his cell I can hear him crying....crying in terror because he knows it is time for my nightly visit. The sight of his tears in the moonlight trickling through the bars make me smile. I know it's cruel, but whoever said love hurts was dead on.
And as I start whispering in my lover, my murderer's ear, I let him know, as I do every night... 

I want to make damn sure it hurts forever.

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