Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Guilty Pleasures...No, it's not THAT kind of blog!

SO last week we talked about fandoms, this week we are going to talk about those ‘closet’ fandoms you may or may not have.

(you know you have them)

We’ve all been there. Right? Trying to justify our secret, guilty pleasures that other people find laughable and make us blush just a tinge.

We should all take a page from Tom's book. Actually we should all just take Tom...

Or I should take Tom....

Okay. Sorry. Where were we? Oh yeah, so for us mere mortals, most of us have something we feel a little defensive liking. If we admit to liking it at all.

For me it’s Twilight.

Shut up.

 I hardly think I am alone here. Actually I know I'm not alone. since according to Wikipedia Twilight has sold over a 100 million copies. 

And no, I am NOT talking about the movies—the movies were AWFUL. Totally and irrefutably CRAP.

Except the baseball scene in the first one, that was good. Mostly because of the Muse song, but you know, still decent.

But the books were good. I know I know, even Stephen King has dissed on Meyer, rather hard.

And again.

It's like he just did the cha-cha-cha all over her rep.

But for once I have to disagree with my spiritual writing mentor. He’s wrong. Yes, I did just say that.

First, let’s define ‘good writing’ shall we?

You can wax poetic or go into long-winded dissertations all you want, but what it boils down to is good writing is nothing more or less than something that captures your heart.  

I read all the Twilight books in like a week. I’d say I was pretty captured. Yes, in hindsight, I realize Bella was a wimp and unremarkable and a lot of people find her more annoying than Scarlett O'Hara, but stop for one second.

Bella was supposed to be every girl, okay? The girls who don’t think they are special, but wish they were. She’s not a bad ass, a genius or a sex goddess----but let’s face it, who is? The appeal here is she is everyday; bland, normal, and yet, extraordinary things happened to her. Yes, she has that one power that is uncovered, but mostly Bella is just a girl caught in a fantasy. And it’s a damn good fantasy, so don’t knock it.

 Okay, enough of that. So are there any fandoms I'm snarky about?

Admittedly I am a bit catty to the FSOG(Fifty Shades of Grey) fandom, though you KNOW I am gonna watch the movie... 

(come on—JAMIE DORNAN?! I am so watching that movie.) 

But I did TRY to read the book, twice. Can’t deal. Sorry. It's not the BDSM, it's how absolutely...vanilla the book is about BDSM.

Also, I find a lot of FSOG fans, that is like the ONLY book they have read since high school. That is a bit alarming, sorry. You all do know FSOG was just fan fiction for Twilight in the beginning, yeah? Look it up. I’ll wait….

BTW, did you know Sue Hinton (author of the Outsiders) writes Supernatural fanfic?!

Not kidding. Check it. 

So yeah, I do have my snippy moments. 
But I so TRY not to judge, why?

Because of crap like this.

I heard this guy say one time, 

If someone tells me they like Twilight I don’t need to hear any more, I can’t be friends with them. Ever.


How stupid is this? Crap like that makes me see red.

For me, Twilight is hardly the outer limits of my reading experience. 

Shakespeare is one of my fave writers. And I mean, REALLY one of my faves, not just the way some people say that to look artsy. I started reading the Bard when I was 10 years old. The Tempest is one of my fave stories ever and Much Ado About Nothing? Oh, don’t even get me started. 

I love Vanity Fair, Barbara Kingsolver, Jane Eyre, John Steinbeck, Tennyson, Sir Walter Scott, Frankenstein...(insert your literary author or book of choice here and I have probably read them).

Ostracizing someone based on one of their choices is stupid and really says more about you than the person you are deriding.

People mock Doctor Who fans, but we don’t give a damn, we just feel sorry for those people, because let’s face it, they’re idiots.

Minecraft, WOW, D&D and other gamer dominions, romance readers, erotica, sci-fi, you name it and most genres have and will continue to experience their share of mockery.

Trekkies (though, you all know you ARE a bit odd, right?), goth and emo folks, Tolkien nerds—of course this fandom now has achieved world domination, so if you diss us, we just do this;

(Except the ones that have actually read the Simirillion. You’re still weird. Really weird.)

Basically, if you can love it, someone can hate it. But if you are part of any fandom, I do hope you show a little tolerance for everyone’s else’s obseessions because after all

And we like it that way.


  1. OK, I'm with you-FSOG was just AWFUL! So lame. I've been reading real erotica for over a decade and FSOG just don't cut it. And besides, it was badly written-there is just so much better stuff out there. I have a whole rant about it, I won't get started, lol.
    As far as guilty pleasures, I have to say I don't feel guilty about anything ha! I'll even admit I love Chuck Norris movies and pretty much anything from the 80s-music, movies, the cheesier the better! If you've never seen Repo Man, you're missing out. And I LOVE horror movies.
    As far as Twilight, well, I read the first one, I'll just say that. And New Moon (the movie) had one of the best soundtracks ever.
    Oh, one more fandom I don't get is the rapey, kidnapping, torture "dark romance" books that are so popular right now-just no. Human trafficking and serial killers don't do it for me, romantically speaking.

    1. Oh I love Chuck Norris movies. Code of Silence was a big one, even tho' they are so godawfully brutal. lol Now I feel like going and finding that one. And Lone Wolf McQuade!! :D

    2. OMG I have them all on DVD! Invasion USA, Missing In Action, Code of Silence, Delta Force, and yes, my personal favorite Lone Wolf McQuade! That part when he drives his Dodge Power Wagon out of the hole after chugging a Pearl beer...priceless!

    3. You NEED to live closer to me. Seriously.

  2. Thanks, I was proud of them this time, hehe. I am GIF addict!! :)

  3. Fandoms? First I hear about this word. hehe Am I way out of the loop? I opened the page to the first Twilight saga books and my nephew said, "Don't read it. You're gonna kill your brain cells." I just had to laugh. But he was right....I just could not get into it. As to FSOG,,,my twin sis and 2 of my friends have read them all and they want us to go see the movie. I am going, of course,,,just for the company.

    Loved your blog!


    1. haha, you should give Twilight another try! Though I make no promises about any brain cells. ;)

  4. Never quite got fan-doms. The closest I ever got was Roger Rabbit.

    Twighlight has an OK storyline and characters who don't inspire me at all.But I am not a girl. And I've see pieces on Smashwords written better than FSOG.

    1. Right? Bad bad writing. Whereas I didn't think Meyer's writing was bad. I think a lot of people didn 't care fir the subject matter. And NO fandoms?! Come on AGE, no band, awesome movie or ANYthing you're a bit obsessed with?? ;)

  5. We are indeed, quite mad. Ahaha! But I hear that is a good thing :)

    Bella more annoying than Scarlett??? Nooooo. LOL!!

    BDSM? I'm afraid I am out of the loop on that one. *sigh* The life of a lonely Martian.

    Anyway, fine reading. Mighty fine reading. 8 bookaholic points, Earthling!!

    -The Marvin House :)

    1. Lol, Marvin. Methinks the Martian doth protest too much, but ta for the points & nice to play again. Missed you guys!

  6. I'm a fan of Frederick Forsyth's first three books. They seemed to be so tight and then he spun out into more global movies. Bigger scale. But Day of the Jackal blew me away... I can't say I've seen Twilight, due to not having seen it. lol -Dave Raider

    1. Really Dave? I would have pegged you for Team Jacob... Lol j/k I should read that book, its one O thought about picking up a couple of times & never did....damn people, adding to my TBR list. *sigh*

  7. It's what makes the world go round, that we all have different likes and dislikes when it comes to what we read. I read the first Twilight and thought it was a bit lame, so that was it for me. Same with FSOG... terrible, cliched writing. I'd see the movie out of curiosity though. But judge someone for what they enjoy reading? No way! I love classics and hey, I admit I enjoy Shakespeare, The Brontes, Jane Austen, Anais Nin, but then again I love to read Jodi PIccoult and Nicolas Sparks novels. So there, hahahaha! Each to his own, I say... no judging necessary!!!! xoxo

    1. Wise & beautiful Colleen, as per usual. :) oh for sure, I read ALL kinds of stuff from high brow to very very lowbrow. Lol but thats what makes us unique! :)

  8. I like this! BTW. I have read the Silmarillian three times and have a 1st edition on my bookshelf next to hardback and paperback editions of both The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. um...yeah I am weird and I like it!

    1. That's okay. Weird people are my favorite kind of people. :)

  9. Having ended Netflix and only gone out to a movie once so far this century I feel a little lost on most of the movies. But I am always in favor of everyone having their own way of seeing things

    1. I know you are. ;) and seriously, you need to do some watching. At least Sherlock. C'mon, man...

  10. I believe whatever floats your boat is everyone's idea of good or bad movies as well as book reading,

  11. Well, I love Supernatural and Doctor Who. The Twilight stuff was alright, they probably just hyped it up too much. As far as writers, I'm a big fan of Langston Hughes. Great post!

